ACT is a DoD union exclusively. ACT has a full-time National President, 7 National Officers, 6 full-time field representatives, and retained general and associate counsel.

ACT’s national officers and field representatives ALL are either current or retired Guard technicians. ACT’s general counsel has over 25 years of experience in Guard technician labor-management relations National staff members and counsel work daily to support local ACT Chapters—drafting collective bargaining proposals, providing information on new management initiatives, and communicating with management at all levels to pursue employee interests and protect employee rights.

In partnership with local ACT officers, national staff and counsel provide direct, hands-on representation in collective bargaining and other complex and important local matters. National staff and counsel also handle national matters, including ACT’s national consultation rights (NCR) with DoD, Air Force, Army, and National Guard Bureau officials.

ACT’s NCR communications present specific policy recommendations—draft language for the policies—supported by analysis, including legal analysis. Many of ACT’s NCR recommendations beneficial to employees have been adopted.

Agency officials repeatedly have told ACT that our NCR communications are the most valuable NCR submissions they receive.

ACT sits on OPM’s Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee (FPRAC), a federal blue collar wage advisory committee; fighting for higher pay for all federal blue collar workers. ACT has sat on this committee since 2000. The four unions that sit on the FPRAC do so because of the number of bargaining unit employees they represent nationwide.