The Original Technician Union


ACT has been working for National Guard Technicians since before they had an official identity. ACT has been working for Title 5 Federal Employees since 1975. ACT National employs ACT Members as Representatives of Membership. ACT Representatives KNOW firsthand how to handle any workplace situation, as the workplace is where they have been.

Between 1960 and 1968 ACT fought for the 1968 legislation by which National Guard
Technicians became Federal Employees and gained Collective Bargaining rights guaranteed by the Labor Statute. In recognition of its efforts, ACT was presented with one of the pens President Johnson used to sign The Technician Act of 1968.

Since 1960 ACT has grown to the point where it now represents a nationwide majority of National Guard Technicians — 22,173 (Source DoD) Technicians in 43 states, territories and DC. By bargaining unit strength, ACT is the 4th largest Union in DoD representing both Title 5 and Title 32 Federal Employees. 

ACT represents Federal Employees. ACT has no conflict of interests that prevents it from fighting against improper contracting out of Federal Employee work. 

The 2013 “Broida Book” analysis of collective bargaining law discusses 76 ACT cases, all concerning the rights of National Guard Technicians.



ACT knows that the local chapter officers are where the rubber meets the road. That is why National Full time staff comes to you to conduct officer and steward training.

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We know technicians

ACT represents title 32 technicians in both the Army and Air National Guard. We have chapters in 43 states, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

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